- Quality assurance of core rainfall network data, Manawatu Whanganui.
- Quality assurance & maintenance of Genesis Energy operational and archive databases.
- Te Awainanga River hydraulic model for a Chatham Island mini-hydro scheme.
- Review of small hydro schemes on the Chatham Islands.
- Modelled flood flows at the Makara Stream confluence on the Karori Stream, Wellington.
- Review of flood hydrology methods for Comprehensive Safety Reviews at Wahapo, Dillmans and Arnold HEP Schemes.
- Flood assessment for small farm dams at Te Apiti wind farm.
- Modelled reservoir operation and future water utilisation at Juanda hydro-electric power project in Indonesia assuming up-rated hydro plant, future increases in multi-purpose water demand and reduced storage capacity in the reservoir due to sedimentation.
- Assessment of available flow from the Kereu River and modelling of irrigatable kiwifruit canopy area for a proposed irrigation scheme.
- Assessment of flow available in the Waiaua Stream and modeling of alternative abstraction rules.
- Assessment of reliable irrigation flow at Ashcott Water Co. take from the Tukituki River.
- Lenders hydrology advisor in a review of the design of an expansion in generating capacity and hydro storage for the Thuen-Hinboun hydro-electric scheme in Laos PDR.
- An audit of contracted hydrometric services for the Tongariro and Waikaremoana Power Scheme.
- An assessment of the river level risk to operating Waikato Water Treatment Plant.
- Compilation of resource data and analysis of monthly and annual trends in electricity demand, hydrology and wind resources for Chatham Island.
- Hydro power feasibility study for a small community scheme on Blackball Creek near Greymouth.
- Investigation of the effect of the proposed Upper Wairau Power Scheme on river hydrology and presentation of evidence in the Environment Court.
- Assessment of flow characteristic of the Te Puna Stream near Tauranga for a small hydropower scheme.
- Investigation of available flow and the reliability of takes for two southern Hawkes Bay farms appealing Resource consent decisions.
- Documentation and revision of a flow gauging plan for NIWA that achieves the Tongariro Power Scheme consented real-time data quality standard.
- Documentation of procedures for establishing hydrometric gauging stations at Genesis Energy.
- Review of hydrology for a Comprehensive Safety Review at Patea Dam.
- Preliminary investigation of Gibb Creek flow characteristics for a micro-hydro scheme at Franz Josef.
- Assessment of hydrology for Te Puna micro-hydro power scheme feasibility report.
- Investigation of available flow in Waitekohe Stream for horticultural frost protection.
- Technical writing for a Hydrological Information Quality Manual at Meridian Energy.
- Hydrometric data updates to operational and archive databases at Genesis Energy.
- Data revision and audit of Waipawa River flow records 1987-2010 flow records (in progress)
- Evaluation of dam sites for farm scale irrigation storage dam, Central Hawkes Bay.
- Peer review of historical feasibility studies for Balintingon Multi-purpose Scheme, Philippines.
- Updated census of water level and rainfall recorders in New Zealand (1850-2010).
- Review of pre-archive resource consent compliance data for Tongariro Power Scheme.
- Development of a Genesis Energy hydrometric data quality assurance manual.
- Review of pre-archive quality assured rainfall and soil moisture/temperature data, Manawatu/Whanganui.
- Flow assessment for a mini-hydro power opportunity near Te Kuiti.
- Quality assurance of flow meter data in the Manawatu/Whanganui region (in progress).